How to Log in to PrestaShop Admin Panel
The PrestaShop Admin Panel, also called the back office, is where you can customize your store by adding modules, themes and products, and lots more. Once your PrestaShop application is created, you can find the credentials for PrestaShop Admin Panel in Cloud Clusters Control Panel.
1. Log in to the Client Panel
Please log in to the Control Panel with your credentials. Then locate your target deployment on the Home page or the My Applications page.
2. Navigate to the "Site & SSL" page
Click the "Manage" button on the Home page or the My Applications pgae, followed by the “Site & SSL” tab.
3. Get credentials for PrestaShop Admin Area
Go to the Site & SSL page in the Control Panel, you can see the PrestaShop Admin URL and the credentials for it.
4. Start Managing Your PrestaShop
Click the Admin URL and input the username and password you just got. Then, click Log In to start managing your PrestaShop.